Wednesday 8 August 2012

When justice delays....

Caught in the toils of laws,
His soul is dangling on a string
Of a cruel leader
Who reaped him off
Like a blind bat.
Life with its unapparent fairness,
Enslaves his spirit,
And charge it for the sins it never commited.

Stricken by thoughts,
Where his power gave it all.
Unbearable pain, as he beholds,
And unrolls the scrolls of his hardships
Drowning in the deepest ocean
But still he rises like a morning sun,
He floats above the stitches
That possesses his happiness.

Justice where do you lie low
When like an infant
He cracks into cave echoes?
He is a word- worrier
He could have revolt against the government
But he became as humble as a dead sea.
His heart is stumbling through and through
It knows that you have delayed
To give par excellence of what rightfully belongs to him.

By Masekhoane Pekosela  ( Lesotho) 

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