Saturday, 4 April 2015

Forget me not...

Forget me not
For the times we have spent together
The times we spent apart yet willed to be together
The times we have been together yet willed to be apart
The times we have been together and felt together
Remember me always

Forget me not
For the laughter we shared
The laughter we shared unsure if we were laughing at the same things
The laughter we shared and wished we’d laugh that way again
The laughter that brought us closer together
Remember me always

Forget me not
For the tears we shed together
The tears of joy and sorrow
The tears that made us unravel the inner beings in us
The tears that separated and brought us together
Remember me always

Forget me not
For the kisses we shared
The kisses that made us dread and yet want to see each other again
The kisses whose meanings we sought in the depths of our hearts
The kisses that we always will cherish

Remember me always

By Vimbai Beritah Chinembiri (Zimbabwe)

Picture credits; Hotel Rwanda-The movie

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