Tuesday 15 January 2013

My kind of father...

Like the bitter-sweet kiss, 
seldom shared,
between the snow from the West,
and the arid terrains of the Namib,
so is the recurrence of my father,
in my absurd incomplete pattern of life.
My life,
his life,
our lives,
ever converging like the Monsoon winds?
Never is such,
such are the thoughts of an adolescent.
Lest the depths of Sheol and Hades freeze.
Fortune favours the lucky children,
I see running about in parks,
right into the strong embrace,
of the paternal figures of their lives.
My kind of father,
is the knight in shining armor,
with whom I have only the fortune,
to meet in the sweet dreams,
I never wish to wake up from...
If compassion ever existed,
let me sell my soul to he,
who fabricates these elusive dreams,
so I can be with my kind of father,
in dreams;
I never wish to be woken up from...

By Alex Nyasha Dube (Zimbabwe)

picture source: www.facebook.com/afrofuture.com


  1. This state of fatherlessness has a psychological effect on us young people as we grow up and form our own identities. The aftermath of being raised without a dad can continue into adult development. Certainly, having a dad in your life doesn't guarantee emotional wellness, just as not having one doesn't doom you to psychological problems.However, fatherlessness can certainly have noticeable effects like behavioral problems ,anger and depression,your piece is captivating to the reader and resonates in their mind long after they have finished reading it,Bravo!

    1. Thankyou very much,Anonymous.Thank you for the manner in which you took the time and effort to expound my thoughts!

    2. sad piece indeed and @ Anonymous you are very right,being fatherless leaves an emotional dent that no one is able to heal.@ Alex Dube brilliant piece great poet.

  2. Now that's Mastery. Being able to paint pictures and swing emotions inside the heart of the reader. Much Respect Alex
